Purification of water is an important process in ensuring that the water we drink and use for various purposes is safe and free from contaminants. There are several methods of purifying water, including physical, chemical, and biological methods. In this article, we will focus on laboratory analysis, a method used to determine the quality and purity of water.
Laboratory analysis is the process of analyzing a water sample in a laboratory to determine its physical, chemical, and biological properties. This type of analysis is often used to identify the presence of contaminants or impurities in the water and to determine the appropriate treatment method for purification.
There are several steps involved in laboratory analysis for purification of water. These include:
Laboratoria analysis offers several advantages for purification of water, including:
Overall, laboratory analysis is an essential tool in the purification of water, helping to ensure that the water we consume and use is safe and free from contaminants.
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