
The Environment: It Is A Kind Of Big Thing

Redaction • 2 januari 2020

Writing a blog about the environment is relatively easy. There are so much things going on with the environment and the environmental is getting a lot of attention these days, which is good, as the environment is a kind of big thing.

Well, I’ll tell you this... most people know about “environmental” things, they even read a lot about the environment. Here is the thing; there is too much to read and write about it to put it all in one blog. To make it not to complex and long we dive in to 5 points about the environment, and the good thing is it does not require that much reading time. 

And just to give you an idea before we dive into the 5 points related to the environment, it is easy to understand and provides some good basic know how. Now, let me start with point 1.

Point 1: Environment

999 out of 1000 people will have of course read about the environment, but only a few will be able to say what the exact definition is of the environment. Now that I think about this let me write what is in the dictionary and chose the definition that is most related to purification and separation technology.

“the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live”

Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/environment

That is indeed a nice definition as personally I was not getting much further than "the surrounding". 

Point 2: Environmental issues

Issues that is a thing that we all have, and as it seems also the environment has issues. An unfortunate thing is that a lot of these is issues are created by us, mankind. There is a lot to read about environmental issues. The environmental issues of today are relatively big, because we also understand much more then we did in the past. Big environmental issues of today are the plastic soup in the ocean, pharmaceuticals and chemicals of emerging concern in rivers and potable water, PFAS (mainly PFOA and PFOS) in our water supply and mercury emission from coal fired power plants. Lot’s of issues more exist, but we can be glad that we know that they are there so that we can do something about it.

Point 3: Environmental working groups

With all those environmental issues there are lots of people that do something about it. You also have a group that protest... but the people really try to solve the environmental issues often work in a environmental working group which can be part of a government, none profit organization or any group that does something related to the environment. Credits to these groups, you guys keep the air and water clean and free of pollutants (or at the least you try).

Point 4: Environmental protection agency

The environmental protection agency definition goes something like this… The Environmental Protection Agency is a United States federal government agency whose mission is to protect human and environmental health. That is a nice and good thing. Agencies like this are of course present in other counties as well, but the name will be slightly different. Ideally these organization solve environmental issues and determine environmental regulations via there working groups. 

Point 5: Environmental science and Environmental engineering

If you reached this point in the blog, then a job in the environmental sector might be something for you (unless you already work in the sector). Jobs for environmental science and environmental engineering jobs are great jobs to do, you can really challenge yourselves and solves issues that will help today but also our next generations. You can work with various purification techniques like activated charcoal or reversed osmosis for example for water purification . So, working in the environmental sector is truly rewarding as you solve real life issues, from the rewarding part in the terms of environmental engineering salary, you can try other websites like Glassdoor, which provide nice salary details. Link to their website;  https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/index.htm 

Now, I know there are lots of other things that you can tell about the environmental sector, but we all have a certain amount of time to spend on a specific topic. I found these 5 points interesting to share with you and hope you enjoyed reading this. 

If you kept attention until the end, it is maybe time to think about careers with environmental science companies.

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